Take Time To Stop And Relax Now!

Only footprints

Many of you are busy with numerous responsibilities during the week; the various work demands that most of you experience.  Many of you are working well over forty hours a week.  Then there are the multiple demands of family, children, household responsibilities and the like.  It can seem like all you do is go, go, go.  And sometimes it is easy to get so used to the adrenalin of doing that you can forget how to relax and slow down.

As the weekend arrives I encourage you to allow yourself to have some genuine down time.  Time when your mind is not listing the ten things you need to get done today.  Time when you’re not physically moving about doing the many chores that need to get done.  Time when you slow down your heart rate, breathing and movement.  Time to actually do what is called-relaxing!

I understand that what is relaxing to each of you may be different.  Some enjoy going to the beach, laying out in the sun and reading a book.  Others find gardening relaxing.  Maybe relaxing for you would be simply taking an hour nap in the middle of the day, or sitting and reading a book.  Or maybe you would be willing to treat yourself to a massage, facial, pedicure or acupuncture.

Although the demands of all your responsibilities are still lingering, you will be more refreshed, and I believe better equipped to handle the multiple burdens that life has for you.  When you allow yourself the gift of relaxation, when you prioritize taking time for even a small amount of relaxation on your day or days off you will greatly benefit.

I encourage you to remember that you are important, that you matter and to put yourself on your own priority list.  If you allow yourself the gift of relaxation this will aid you physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  You are in charge of making relaxation a part of your weekly ritual.   Decide you are worth taking time to give your body, mind and spirit a well-deserved rest.

The Importance of Friendships

As I have been gradually digesting the tragedies that have occurred here in America this week, both in Boston and Texas it has caused me to reflect on what’s really important in my life. Along with my family, husband and children, I am also reminded of the importance of my friendships. I am reminded of the significance of having people in my life who really understand, know and appreciate me. The great necessity I have for friends that genuinely see me for who I am; my true authentic self. Not only do they see me, but they accept me.
I encourage you to think about the friendships in your life. Who are the ones you know that truly value you? Who are the ones that sincerely like you and your personality? Sometimes you marry into families that are very different from you. Sometimes you pick partners that are very different from you. Sometimes you may even feel different from your own original families.
I know for me that having girlfriends who I know really understand me is life-giving. I am energized by those around me who find my personality delightful, uplifting and encouraging. This week has made me more appreciative of the significance in surrounding myself with like-minded people. Each one of us is responsible to make sure that we have a network around us filled with those we know will be there for us no matter what life may bring our way.
So during this week I encourage you to reach out and thank those who have been there for you, or possibly rekindle some old friendships that maybe you have let linger. And gather around you once again those like-minded people that can help support you in your life’s journey.

Coping With a Difficult Love Relationship

If you are in a difficult relationship right now, particularly a love relationship, I implore you to do the best job you can in taking care of your own needs. Many long-term relationships are very stressful. In today’s times the many demands placed on our relationships can take their toll. Keeping good communication in your relationship can be challenging. I have found that a large problem in relationships are hurts that the couple or person have held on to without resolution over an extended period of time. Sometimes these hurts are just too deep for reconciliation. If you’re in a discouraging or frustrating relationship I encourage you to pay attention to your emotional, physical and spiritual needs. Reach out to other like-minded people for support. Find activities that you enjoy. Create a healthy spiritual life for yourself. If your relationship is not particularly supportive of your true essential self it is imperative that you find other means to find acceptance of this most vibrant part of you. The resolution to this relationship will come to you in time. While you are in the midst of this turmoil or difficulty take time to rejuvenate yourself in avenues that are available to you. Focus on the good that is available and not just on what is negative in your relationship. Focus on the positive friendships you have. Concentration on an activity you enjoy. Put energy into eating healthy and exercising. Remember the positive traits that are true about you. Try the best you can to create calm and wellbeing in the other areas of your life. Most importantly reach out for help and support.

The Power of The Mind

Be mindful of your thoughts today.  I encourage you to take a moment each morning and check in with your mind.  Check in with the thoughts that are traveling around inside your head.  Take notice.  Are these thoughts going to project you in a positive direction?  It is imperative that you be aware of your thoughts.  Your thoughts have great power and provide energy to your day, your week, your life.  Take a moment and be aware of whether these thoughts are in alignment with how you want your day to go.  I encourage you to alter any thoughts that do not serve your highest good.  If you do not take time to pay attention and change these thoughts, they will have the potential to unknowingly drag you down.  It is important not to minimize the power of your thoughts. I invite you to remember the truth.  The truth being that you are good.  That at heart you are good and have good intentions.  Allow yourself to think thoughts that honor this truth about you.   Allow yourself to have confidence in your ability.  Give yourself the encouragement and motivation you need.  Even one kind word to yourself can shift the energy within you and the energy that you send forth.  Be on your own side.